What Are Dentures?

Dentures, also commonly known as false teeth, are fitted into your mouth to act as a prosthesis for missing teeth. They are very natural looking and are either fixed or removable. Often made from acrylic, nylon and metal they can be used to replace one tooth, a few teeth, or even all of your teeth.

Lots of people have issues with dentures, including looseness, discomfort or even the inability to eat properly. Here at Park Street Dental, we can help you achieve comfort and make your teeth functional once again, without the worry of not being able to eat properly.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Dentures?

You may only know dentures as dentures. When in fact, there are three different kinds of dentures, depending on what your issues are. You can have full dentures, which, as the name suggests, is to replace all missing teeth. If you have just a few missing teeth, then you would require partial dentures. These work in such a way as to attach them to the remaining natural teeth using clasps. We can, however, use more specialised precision attachments in order to give the look and feel of a more discreet denture.

Finally, the third kind of denture is something called a titanium implant. These are dependent on the quality and quantity of bone you have, as they may be placed in your lower or upper jawbones.

Sadly, dentures are not something that discriminates, they can be a necessity of anyone at any age. It might be you have tooth loss due to poor mouth health resulting in severe decay, genetics or even drug abuse, all leading to the loss of your smile.

Let us help restore your smile. Arrange an appointment with us here at Park Street Dental in Selby and get your confidence right back to where it should be.

Contact Park Street Dental

01757 706829


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Park Street Dental Treatments

Dental Treatments at Park Street Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Inlays and Onlays


Root Canal Treatment


General Dentistry

Veneers, Crowns and Bridges

Private Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Facial Aesthetics

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